The School Kids In Safe Hands Initiative (SKISHI)- a Cooperative Program between Dr. Kent Smith and SomnoMed

Fatigue, Snoring, and Sleep Apnea

Does your loved one complain that you snore? Are you going through your day groggy and tired, even after a full eight hours of sleep? You may suffer from sleep apnea, an under diagnosed and serious condition that can lead to heart attack, stroke, memory loss, and even premature death.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes the sufferer to stop breathing for 10 seconds or more during sleep. The pause in breath causes a lack of oxygen that in turn signals the brain to wake up. This cycle occurs over and over again during the night, up to hundreds of time, depriving you of the restful sleep you need to recharge and be alert during the day.

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

How does snoring indicate sleep apnea? Sleep apnea is often caused by airway obstruction resulting from a variety of factors, including the size and shape of air passages, swelling of soft tissues, even the position of the tongue while asleep. These obstructions make it difficult to breathe, and as air passes by, causes soft tissue to vibrate, resulting in the noise we call snoring.

Wake Up Rested Tomorrow

If this sounds familiar, it's time to talk to Dr. Smith. He has partnered with some philanthropic organizations/companies to help combat fatigue, and to keep our children in safe hands. Find out if you qualify for the SKISHI Initiative.

Contact Us

290 E. John Carpenter Fwy, Suite 2700
Irving, TX 75062

Phone: (972) 255-3712

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